
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Sunday, March 30, 2008
SHAN LIANG SAN JIE MEI!born in 28mar08 insisting SERENE; XIUWEN; JEFFREY; hahhas \- -/ heehee. today went to the training at terminal 3 so much fun! saw load shuai ge nehhs. thumb print is the most funny part. 1st serene hand print; police say index finger both serene n yingzi put thumb finger hahhas wah you all there sure laugh dao si arhhs. hahhas even the police man still laughing., GAACHAA~ after tat go walk around terminal3 shoik siia. GUCCI INSIDE~ serene saw 1 of her fav bag 1200buck wahahha i wan derh bag dunch have siia. 1100buck.super big but omg! super niice narhhs serene just kip tell yourself dat you l0ve the bag. i gonna werk till i can buy the bag. hahha. gonna bought a jacket to0. SUNDAY~ shopping dayy! i hope can buy everything i wan for chalet. song listening~ nan ren nu ren Thursday, March 27, 2008
PLEASE STOP COPYING MY STYLE~ know you have been copying my stuff since long ago realli hate it. who i love you follow. last time ricky you also like. dhen next one you should know who. dhen i take photo you also. i wann buy gucci you also. same bag somemore. i wan werk you also. even backstab me like hell duch like me just say dunch have to backstab me you should know who you are! wanna add my fwen in friendster stop it larh. think u are as thin as me?! no chance barhs?! OBVIOUSLY! wad brand derh shirt i wear you also wanna wear. think 1st larh y i will keep soot-ing you. cos i realli dunch like ppl who copy my style. my attititude, my size ande everything I ONLY HAVE ONE N ONLY ME JEFFREY NG YI JIE~ & ALLOW SUKIDA NG YU JUN~ same to have it to0s. WANNA FOLO MY STYLE FCUK IT __ whore face ![]() okay. just tell me you dunch like me. i will accept it.
I KNOW WHO YOU LERH JUST SSTOP IT OKAY?! its been short ages since i blog, well hope everything g0es well. i bless okayy. few day back. 25mar which is the 4th day of holiday(: morning went to sentosa wth HAZEL and NATTAPHONG just 3 of us, while tanning lying down the towel so shoik. dhen nat play water. while hazel n me suntann. i saw hayati my last time classmate hhaha just chatted awhile till after tat 1+ i left. shower lerh. done le i went to vivo for parapara :) after tat kellie came. walkwalk awhile eat at pasta. dhen we go off lerh. nat n me went to tiong mrt meet serene xiuwen yingzi desiree dhen to0k mrt till expo mrt. walk to simei ite. dhen after tat to0k shuttle bus to bedok camp. for ndp skyrunner08 after tat wed skating. skating around. kelvin came. skate wif me. akira t0os came. :) today went school for ctr remedial boredom. ctr role play. B-low grade. after tat went central eat. dhen go bugis. shopp-ed awhile. eat aload today. mango ice kala chicken load more hahhas. after tat went home. in lrt AHMA siao again. serene gort cute picture. you heng tat my hp nort yet hao hahhas. Sunday, March 23, 2008
wtf someone kana bang marina square to dxo tha road. jay walking. a fight. against underage. BANG* a sound which alert all ppl whos g0ing for party while selling ticket saw everything IT REALI HURT and bouncer cancel the party. cb sia ppl waited for 4 to 5 hrs in the end no party. ambulance came. police car came to0. all ppl so dulan. gort ppl even wanna tio Avalanche Productions de ppl. ATTENTION GUYS; those who wanna go the party SCHOOL'S OUT II next week 29mar same time dunnch be late. wan ticket can approach to me. 90026183 jeffrey
Friday, March 21, 2008
hahasuncle back home lerhhs ytd was at clementi ite for chill party 08 ahhhaas okok nia prize mp3 nat got it waater disperser nat to0. voucher. eaten fo0d. dance-d nat won again. lucky boy. no mood to type lerhhs. any people interested in 29nd school's out ii party? which are being posponed. if interested, call me or sms me at 90026183 jeffrey Wednesday, March 19, 2008
today cant realli blog well cos school computer suck!dunchknow whiyye liddat?! hais so many taiji n0w. tcher scold me for nth kns just becos serene n yingzi scream she scold me wtf. MRS LIM lorhs i nber do anything to you horhhs cheebuaiis say wad if i make them scream again i will hold wadever responsible itself. fuck lorhh. Monday, March 17, 2008
nanli; thanks aload. yifang; thanks aload to0s hais shahshah msg me say he miss me omg how sia wan me to start anew wif him. tian arhh. is it time? i think nort maybe. i shall wait, till its time to0 tiong xim its no go0d lorhhs hurt your heart more siia. brb STUDY IN PROGRESS~ [like real]
Sunday, March 16, 2008
TAG REPLY; weiyi; sorry gonna cut again. i'm gettin more n more stress, so fcuked up! these few dayy. just everything from me. todayy 52 i think. nicole; baobeii, hais everything i do for him w0rth waiting but i just cant see him going to 0ther guys. n stead back wtf riite?! jasmine; huihui huh? erm maybe niias but i 22nd derh school 0ut2 i will sure go. stress now. wanna go nort?! debbie; hahhas fake fake derhhs lorhs. NGYUJUN; baobeii hais he is verii important to me derhh just cant leave with0ut him just wanna cut 551 more i think. clubb till late at 22nd march. dxo, everything will drunk out that dayy i hope. jeffrey still miss you happy anniversary to you borth. hahhas 1month lerhhs. last long worhhs. happy ending. sifeizhuu-hazel keaizhu-kellie pangzhu-nat shouzhu-jeffrey plan for tmr; .school .do homewerk for ctr n efc self-project .emo .ndd every other thing else muackiies everyone i miss y0u guys. esp; AIDIL let love change the world without any stranger between us. my love ndd ur love that us, jeffrey love aidil
0ur storyy~ we met at Mirc chatted awhile. meet you at your house. the temptation kisses of urs, makes my day brighter dhen never before. i finally felt how is love feel like i told you n whisper to ur ear dat aidil, i love you. after datt few hrs later i told you dat i miss you n love you you told me that 'nt so fast la. We get to knw each other first ok. Bt i like u' ndd about everyday i will msg you atleast 2 to 4 times but do i get any reply? nopp i everydayy ill be very sad cos you din reply me i tot dat you din wan me anymore. but tuesday 9.27pm you online you old me that ur hp no mre money ndd finally i felt okay he still wan me ndd no more worries for himm. after that fridayy felt somehing bad. ndd omg he reply my msg. guess wad he reply?! i almost cried out in the lrt. he told me 'My bf wants to be back with me. Sorry. i cant c0ntact with u' ndd i reply no more chance of meetting you again? he reply cann0rt. 1st moment i felt miserable, wad to do now, 0ut of the lrt its still raining walk home without running. just wanna feel wet, dunky ndd every other things else when reachh home get into ro0m. i get my art knife n contact lens boxes n shirt boxer to showeroom while i play wanglihong song weiyi i cried alot inside started to cut myself inside i sent joyce my picture. i call her ndd cry again. weiyi n nat called me to0. chatted with them. while at to toilet outside window just feel like jumping down ndd let everything over. window is opened. joyce scream at me over the phone n say. JEFFREY YOU BETTER DUNCH JUMP. just let everything over n start anew. nat weiyi to0s say. cry sadly cos i told dhem before. ; without him i just look ike a lost boy. ;without him means i lost everything. my emotion breakdown hard. 52 cut are part of it. 551 more to cut. to fullfill 603 june 3rd is his burfday ndd went to meet nat kellie sherman hazel emoing felt all alone in btpanjang. waited for hazel to come meet me in btpanjang off to town. cried in cab to0. hazel's shoulder. *just to say ** i'm NOW MIA-ing LERHS ONLY HANGING OUT WITH ALL BAOBEI n TOURISM FRIENDS NIA's NND MY GANG LAST YEAR 'GOSSIPERZ' you just leave me all alone, its ur selfishness or me sadness? Friday, March 14, 2008
on the 20th march right before good friday. Speacial event"guy allowed to wear bermudas on dat nite but wif shoes along ^^V" Anione interested toget their tixs do feel free add him up or contact him @:81874626 thanks all ALVIN(: reply asap help me pass this msg around to as many as u can i'll be thankful alort =D
on the 20th march right before good friday. Speacial event"guy allowed to wear bermudas on dat nite but wif shoes along ^^V" Anione interested toget their tixs do feel free add him up or contact him @:81874626 thanks all ALVIN(: reply asap help me pass this msg around to as many as u can i'll be thankful alort =D
Thursday, March 13, 2008
DTG today was em.. FINE hahhas thanks everything to SERENE NIANG NIANG I OWN YOU A MEAL FOR SURE I PROMISE~ cheated some hahas last second question heehee. after test just leave class cos tcher say can. dhen go eat abit dhen jiu go back to class b6/301 hahas iti playing lan. asraf seem to be frustrated dhen dunchno wadd. hais. after tat went off at 12 0ut of sko0l to clementi central eat. SUMO HOUSE hahas cheaper derhh. eat eat eat. waited for xiuwen serene yingzi c0s they nid go polyclinic take medicine dhen after tat call nat meet us at qweensway shopping. jalanjalan slackslackk hahhas. SPOTTED A FOOD SHOP NICE NICE star GIVEN 4/5 hahhas nice siia.
hahas after dat we go home lerh xiuwen to0k 52 home. serene me n nat to0k 961 home.
xiuling phone me ask meet wanna meet i say okay. meet usual place. dhen walk home while raining. haha so happy walking in dha rain.
walking in the rain without you holding my hand i felt it cold. aidil i miss you.
i'm all wet hahhas xiuling to0. hahha crazy these few dayys. cos g0rt rain marhhs heehee.
haobarhh sleeping lerhhs
; plan for tmr. NAFA TEST; MEET HIM; if possible SHOPPING; dat all ii think.
MISSIN~ CHUI FAMILY 4some madster AIDIL Wednesday, March 12, 2008
4th dayy lerhhs still missing you.ur warmness isit always there for me? i cant felt ur warmness; i cant see ur face; i cant see ur smile; i cant felt ur lips; i cant feel anything when i'm all alone; i can feel coldness when i'm at home; i can feel anything but NOT you; i can feel someone hugging me when i'm in lalas-landd; i can see uur smile whenn i close my eye; i can felt my bodyy is getting colder now; all i nid is you with me all the time. hope dat you will wish me go0dluck for tmr DTG common test hope to see you online toniite. hope me n you will goes well after few dayys later. hope dat ur my really last romancees~ wad wrong wif you? friend lie to each other?! yarhs hiding secret from each other does it werk? nopps yupps dat dharh point. fuckky shiit whyyie you do dat to me.. dunch wanna tell me ur secret but tell other abt it? we both are same species whiyye liddat?! feel so sad you should know who you are. do think abt me. asking ppl nort to tell me to0. but wad ii found 0ut lerhhs. saw everything. for now on i just dunch wanna care anything abt you. let everything rest barhhs. you kana fuck or wad. ur taijii. we're getting far n far. this year so many taiji; bang by ppl tio by ppl fight with ppl today friends kana kio by ppl Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Avalanche ProductionsProudly Presents: SCHOOL'S OUT II 22nd March 08 Report to DXO by 9pm Late dismissal at 4am *Latecomers will be dealt severely by the DM From the same crazy people who brought you SCHOOL'S OUT party! This time round SCH'S OUT 2 is gonna be CRAZIER! Feast your eyes with hot sch babes and hunks! As we have cosplayers in their CUTESY sch uniforms! Come dressed in sch uniform & u will get PRIORITY ENTRY! There will be no exams, just PURE PARTYING! This is a party not to be missed as attendance is COMPULSORY DXO allows no truancy! BE THERE and PARTY HARD! Also, give it up for our very talented home grown DJs :- - DJ Andrew T! - DJ Neboet! - SEXY FEMALE guest deejay! *STAY TUNED! MC :- - the ever so cute MC Taisuke YAMAMOTO from JAPAN! BAND PERFORMANCE BY :- - Thambi K Seow *ADRENALINE PUMPING!* Mixed-Age Party FOR TICS RESERVATIONS; CONTACT: jeffrey/tootboi @ 90026183 or Avalanche Productions Proudly Presents: SCHOOL'S OUT II 22nd March 08 Report to DXO by 9pm Late dismissal at 4am *Latecomers will be dealt severely by the DM From the same crazy people who brought you SCHOOL'S OUT party! This time round SCH'S OUT 2 is gonna be CRAZIER! Feast your eyes with hot sch babes and hunks! As we have cosplayers in their CUTESY sch uniforms! Come dressed in sch uniform & u will get PRIORITY ENTRY! There will be no exams, just PURE PARTYING! This is a party not to be missed as attendance is COMPULSORY DXO allows no truancy! BE THERE and PARTY HARD! Also, give it up for our very talented home grown DJs :- - DJ Andrew T! - DJ Neboet! - SEXY FEMALE guest deejay! *STAY TUNED! MC :- - the ever so cute MC Taisuke YAMAMOTO from JAPAN! BAND PERFORMANCE BY :- - Thambi K Seow *ADRENALINE PUMPING!* Mixed-Age Party FOR TICS RESERVATIONS; CONTACT: jeffrey/tootboi @ 90026183 or even though i just know you for 3dayys but my heart hav already stuck wif you. life isn't meaningful with0ut you my love for you is getting deeper& deeper. for two dayy din hear anything from you even when i sms you, nth replies tot that you din wan me again. emo amoment crying just for you. i know its too fast to say i miss you cos we hav nort even stead. but time prove everything today was quite emo cos 2dayy din hear ur voice dhen waiting for u sms. but in the end msn just now you told me. hp no moneyy. it realli make my dayy up again. no matter wad promise me nort to leave okay. dunch wanna cry again like a baby prostitite dunch wanna hurt myself again for nothing. trust me i do realli love you. for those who hav been guessing about wad i'm doing todayy all up there is wad happen to be me. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ii just cant believe how can it be. i'm so sad when ii heard about y0u guys actually wanna break someone heart is 3rd party realli go0d?! actually is veri bad to hurt a innoence girl which dunchno anything abt it. when i know abt it ii was totally so upset, disgraceful, angry and fuck UP! ii cant believe tat you are such a guy. who break small girl heart. i tot you are a verii go0d guy. who is verii caring, cheerful, nice, awlsome, cute, understanding and everything. BUT n0w ii finally seen ur truth colour. so sad to heard datt. a girl who stead with y0u for verii long lerhh even though always fight or wadd its realli a veri long lastingg. BUT the scandal[girl] just wanna break you guys up. somemore she dunch even know anything. pityy~ such a bitchh should't stay wif us. get ur fuckiin' lifee 0ut there AND pls stop STEALING BOYFRIEND from 0ther i love y0u b4 i admit but i tot y0u are a verii nice guy. now ii know everything. thanks! everything gonna breakdown, just for a moment. hope it gonna end like nobodyy else cares. dha precious time i try to keep it. but n0w wad, no more lerhhs. hope that all timer gonna break n0w n stop letting others hurt pls i beg. so sad to heard every sad stories. ![]() ![]() Thursday, March 06, 2008
today school again.9am school start rushing. c0s late. when ii reach saw dao joyce xiuwen serene esther yingzi dhen saw asraf to0. eating bread hahhas so cute sia. all to0k bus to skool. 106 hhahas. reach lerhs. still raining. burberry wet sia. abit nia i tried to protect but i'm sorry baby. lols dao skool lerhh 9.07am still walk ing there. reach canteen eat lerh dhen go up. 1st lesson mrs.HO DTG destination geography dhen g0rt test at 9.30am but reach class at 9.20am mrs.ho nag abit. 940am lerhhs test started. alot of things haha i did cheat. opps sorry. dhen after tat finish lerh tcher say g0 to next lesson if you hav finish test. finish liao. aiyarhs tiired siia wanna blog. dunch blog f0r today larhhs. moody. let time cure the past pain. my love sense is gone once again. do you believe? every picture behind theres a storyy. i tryy to make a smile everydayy i promise. my love for you gonna breakdown. Monday, March 03, 2008
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