
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Thursday, January 31, 2008
plan f0r tmr..8am meeting nat n joyce. studyy 12pm go home change go 0ut to meet 4t2 sk0olmate.. yay so long din meet lerhh.. tmr is 0ur outing dayy enjoy kayys! ii love 4t2 2007 cya guys tmr.. Apologize lyrics I'm holding on your rope Got me ten feet off the ground And I'm hearing what you say But I just can't make a sound You tell me that you need me Then you go and cut me down But wait... You tell me that you're sorry Didn't think I'd turn around and say.. That it's too late to apologize, it's too late I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you And I need you like a heart needs a beat (But that's nothing new) Yeah yeah I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue And you say Sorry like the Angel Heaven let me think was you, But I'm afraid It's too late to apologize, it's too late I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late Woahooo woah It's too late to apologize, it's too late I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late I said it's too late to apologize, yeah yeah I said it's too late to apologize, a yeah I'm holding on your rope Got me ten feet off the ground... Wednesday, January 30, 2008
whiyye?!!SARAHH~~~~~~~~~~~ omfg!! suayykias kana kick out lerhh.. 4th lerhh. myy school getting lesser fwen.. went to simei ite heng arhh ii nort [simei] student farking farr.. volleyball [ai dada] byeebyee,, tootboi❤ Tuesday, January 29, 2008
changed myy blogskin..tomorrow going to simei ite perform something.. from 10am till 4pm in school walking around like nobodyy else care hais.. 1st weihong 2nd kenneth 3rd qianhui 4th ?? who one by one kana kick out omg!! byy the time when MADSTER left 2people i will be leaving too.. loves; jeffrey :] ![]() Labels: changing bloggskin dayy Friday, January 25, 2008
todayy blogging..special.. ![]() 1week lerh finally he reply me.. at least i know he is nort available take care urself wor.. tootboi❤ Tuesday, January 22, 2008
he dunch go f0r young boyhais sadded my life suck badlyy today when eating at restrarant heard tis bad news from weiyi.. cry verii hardly.. whiyyewhiyyee~~~?????????????????? hoppe we can be friends or gan korkor nn didi ii hope so.. set me free my dear~ lock it till it broke.. ,loves xiiaobudian Monday, January 21, 2008
The Bottom LineToday, you should watch yourself when you are exposed to your greatest temptation. In Detail Today, you might have to watch yourself when you exposed to your greatest temptation. If it's cookies or cake, you should preemptively fill up on vegetables so you won't be weak. If it's that certain someone who always gets your heart beating faster, you should just get out of there as quickly as you can! You know what's bad for you, and you know you need to stay away from it right now. So do whatever you have to do get out of the danger zone -- and into the green zone. ITS TRUTH~~~ FRIENDSTER ZODIAC TRUTH today ii wanna get xiiaobudian number dhen he dunch wanna giv loh.. ps siia.., nbermiind still g0rt chance derhh. Sunday, January 20, 2008
melbourne shuffle basics~
Saturday, January 19, 2008
he nber reply my msg to him..hais ii have no where to contact him omg! ii realli miss him so muchh ii niid someone be by myside now nid a warm hug from y0u.. y0u nn me is totally a stranger! would y0u be there to hold my hand tight? would y0u just tell me tat you love me the most? i cn tell you tat without you in me ii just suckk ii love you much.. XIIAOBUDIAN Friday, January 18, 2008
i'm tipsy n0wdrank mandrin vodka 1st time so drunk~ cos of y0u.. i miss you blogging again omg!!! XIAOBUDIAN~ WO AI NI ai yi ge ren bu xu yao you li you~ age gap doesnt matter.. just tat ii really love you aloads~~ nth can be told.. but my heart beat fast whenever y0ur around.. when see y0u heart beat stop awhile cant breath well,, XIOBUDIAN wo shi zhende zhende zhende hen ai nii,, be my last romance~ pls give me a chance n ii will prove to you.. tat ii really love you so much.. Sunday, January 13, 2008
14,, 15,, 16,, 17,, maybe 18 janat niite cant online often c0s my mummy admitted to hospital l0st of bl0od.. 2 pack maybe 3rd packet of blo0d omg!! *god bless mummy wont n0rt hav anything happen to her* so everydayy after sk0ol ii will slack in sk0ol liao dhen awhile le ii going to hospitall pei mummy emoing-boyy <3mr.burberry Friday, January 11, 2008
today was the last dayy of orentation..ILU xiiaobudian n ****** whahaha nort gonna tell unless y0u ask me personally my class won 1st for cheering!! yay.. "1 more time go WHo arharharh Who arharharh..." so dunch seem y0u guys win us.. _|_ soul loser~ after sk0ol we went to imm eat mac after tat went home.. xiiaobudian ii just wanna uu either be my gan if nort deardear jiu hao but if you ~~ ****** uu to0 hais anything will do ii just wanna see both of you more.. 16 or 17 ii dunch care.. ii just love y0u.. everyday wanna go sk0ol just to see you WO AI NI~ Thursday, January 10, 2008
today iin sk0ol ;cb kiias diao my fwen push my fwen O.F class dhen you xiao xin weihong almost fight wif ppl omg! scarie~ weiyi n CO super dulan their tcher todayy cos they nid to dye hair to black but malay ppl hair obvious tcher nber catchh after tat they went to batok dye hair loh kelian weiyi dye 45$$ siia nnd lastly saw jackson in sk0ol.. he waiting for esther.. so sweet siia.. take care♥ i dunch feel like going skating going out wif close fwen but ii enjoy my life in ITE~ esp wif WEIYI n gang BELWIN JOYCE n NAT YUTING T.A mate Wednesday, January 09, 2008
RAINBOW哪裡有彩虹告訴我 Na li you cai hong gao su wo Tell me, where can I find rainbows? 能不能把我的願望還給我 Neng bu neng ba wo de yuan wang huan gei wo Can you return my wish back to me? 為什麼天這麼安靜 Wei shen me tian zhe mo an jing Why is the sky still so calm? 所有的雲都跑到我這裡 Suo you de yun dou bao dao wo zhe li All the clouds have amassed above me ##有沒有口罩一個給我 You mei you kou zhao yi ge gei wo Do you have a spare face mask to lend me? 釋懷說了太多就成真不了 Shi huai shuo le tai duo jiu cheng zhen bu liao Because I said too much, now it will not eventuate 也許時間是一種解藥 Ye xu shi jian shi yi zhong jie yao Maybe time is an antidote 也是我現在正服下的毒藥 Ye shi wo xian zai zheng fu xia de du yao Or the poison I'm taking right now 看不見你的笑 我怎麼睡得著 Kan bu jian ni de xiao wo zen me shui de zhao Without seeing your smile, how can I sleep? 你的聲音這麼近我卻抱不到 Ni de sheng yin zhe me jin wo que bao bu dao Your voice is so close yet I cannot hug you 沒有地球太陽還是會繞 Mei you di qiu tai yang hai shi hui rao The sun will continue orbiting even without the Earth existing 沒有理由我也能自己走 ## Mei you li you wo ye neng zi ji zou I can walk away from you without a reason **你要離開 我知道很簡單 Ni yao li kai wo zhi dao hen jian dan You want to leave, I know it is (a) simple (thing) 你說依賴 是我們的阻礙 Ni shuo yi lai shi wo men de zu ai You said reliance was the major barrier between us 就算放開 但能不能別沒收我的愛 Jiu suan fang kai dan neng bu neng bie mo shou wo de ai If you choose to let go but don't remove my love for you 當作我最後才明白 ** Dang zuo wo zui hou cai ming bai I'll just pretend that I understand in the end Repeat ## ** RAP 看不見你的笑要我怎麼睡得著 Kan bu jian ni de xiao yao wo zen me shui de zhao Without seeing your smile, how can I sleep? 你的聲音這麼近我卻抱不到 Ni de sheng yin zhe me jin wo que bao bu dao Your voice is so close yet I cannot hug you 沒有地球太陽開始會繞…會繞 Mei you di qiu tai yang kai shi hui rao … hui rao The sun will continue orbiting even without the Earth existing…orbiting 沒有理由我也能自己走掉 Mei you li you wo ye neng zi ji zou diao I can abandon you without a reason 是我說了太多就成真不了 Shi wo shuo le tai dou jiu cheng zhen bu liao Because I said too much, now it will not eventuate 也許時間是一種解藥…解藥 Ye xu shi jian shi yi zhong jie yao… jie yao Maybe time is an antidote… antidote 也是我現在正服下的毒藥 Ye shi wo xian zai zheng fu xia de du yao Or the poison I'm taking right now Repeat ** PU GONG YING DE YUE DING 小學籬芭旁的蒲公英 xiao xue li ba pang de pu gong ying The dandelions that lay beside the elementary school’s fence 是記憶裏有味道的風景 shi ji yi li you wei dao de feng jing Scenery beautiful in my memories 午睡操場傳來蟬的聲音 wu shui cao chang chuan lai chan de sheng yin The cricket's chirping in the courtyard during a noon nap 多少年後也還是很好聽 duo shao nian hou yei hai shi hen hao ting Still sounds good years later 將願望折紙飛機寄成信 jiang yuan wang zhe zhi fei ji ji cheng xin Put wishes in a paper airplane and mailing it as a letter 因為我們等不到那流星 yin wei wo men deng bu dao na liu xing Because we couldn’t wait for the meteor 認真投決定命運的硬幣 ren zhen tou jue ding ming yun de ying bi Throwing destiny's coin in all seriousness 卻不知道到底能去哪里 que bu zhi dao dao di neng qu na li Yet I have no idea where I can go *一起長大的約定 那樣清晰 打過勾的我相信 yi qi zhang da de yue ding / na yang qing xi / da guo gou de wo xiang xing The promise that we will grow up together is still fresh in my mind, believing the pinky swore I made 說好要一起旅行 是你如今 唯一堅持的任性 shuo hao yao yi qi lv xing / shi ni ru jin / wei yi jian chi de ren xing We said we'd travel together, the sole thing you wilfully insist on, till now* 在走廊上罰站打手心 zai zou lang shang fa zhan da shou xin Being punished to stand in the hallway and getting our palms smacked 我們卻注意窗邊的蜻蜓 wo men que zhu yi chuang bian de qing ting Yet all we noticed were the dragonflies beside the window 我去到哪里你都跟很緊 wo qu dao na li ni dou gen hen jin No matter where I go you'd always follow closely 很多的夢在等待著進行 hen duo de meng zai deng dai zhe jin xin Lots of dreams are waiting to be carried out Repeat ** 一起長大的約定 那樣真心 與你聊不完的曾經 yi qi zhang da de yue ding / na yang zhen xin / yu ni liao bu wan de ceng jing The promise that we will grow up together, so full of sincerity, never-ending chats about the past 而我已經分不清 你是友情 還是錯過的愛情 er wo yi jing fen bu qing / ni shi you qing / hai shi cuo guo de ai qing I can no longer tell the difference. Are you a friend? Or a love that has passed me by Monday, January 07, 2008
today 1st day of schoolmeet up wif hazel weiyi fabian kelvin and co dhen eat macdonald eat liao jiu go sk0ol loh.. after tat did realli saw shuai ge BUT 1 nia hahha rest super ugly.. saw regina nanli wenjie all from my primary sk0ol dderh wahaha after tat my tcher so go0d siia hahha HAZELteoh super jealous siia TA rawkk!! TOURISM~~ hais today 9pm derh episode super sad siia suddenly make me so sad just feel like crying jinfeng die was cos kana kaijie push down to sea no ppl know ii think onli kaida know.. omg lor so sad.. ii miss gorgorALVIN so much siia NYJ too ii miss you AHPA y0u to0 lastly HUBERT well uu r missed by me to0 hahha take care all yeah.. ITE life realli super busyy. I LOVE BURBERRY♥ Sunday, January 06, 2008
today ii nid to getgucci handphone strap nn taper my sk0ol pant Saturday, January 05, 2008
back again..2008 lerh.. so fast everything grow.. yujun ddr pro lerh 54lvl karen nn gazel primary2 lerh hazel me jacq weiyi jackson kelvin lixin linghui huimei and all ppl who ii know 1991 derh.., all now ite poly lerh.., back to the past.. ii was a small boy who know skipping sk0ol. doing wrong stuff scold ppl for nth go blk shopping buying L.V bag get to love someone more nn more.. everything now so important to me.. SUPERNOVA2 peeps ICE SKATING ppl ex sk0olmate 5 letter 1 name makes uu i think i really gonna give you up, people told me not to waste time waiting for you but i insist. Now no more, n feeling so much hate to you what i do, even uu see but i dunch think you care, cause you only care about ur ANDYlaogong, ROYdaddy, TONYbaobei. maybe nothing else but do you ever cares about my feeling?! my pain for you is so deep, i care for you and you treat me as nothing play with my feeling. its really hurting me aload. call you no answer, msn you sometime no reply, i have finally given up on you. isin't that great?! finally i let you go my heart also not gonna be that tight again i'm lease.. i'm letting you go. remember to take good care of yourself dont go clubbing till late. hope you find a good boyfriend or girlfriend all the best for you. jeffrey finally letting TERRY go le ![]() its all starting in rink and end in my dead world silent end, peaceful laughter. hope 2008 this year nothing will happen to me and to my family too.. yujun nn alfreda take extra good care kayys? when i never go to cck your ddr must jiayou dunch cry le big gurl liao learn how to protect yourself wor when korkor not with you, choose friends yourself know whos bad whos good. dont let people take advantage of you my ITE life super long 8am till 5pm so cant really get chance to go out with you guys. rest of you i think you guys can protect yourself no need me to say. i'm tired' ![]() |