
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Friday, November 30, 2007
i'm feeling so f*ck up n0w!pcb old bytchhy lao saggy k0kor 1st time ever y0u hurt mii sho0 much after y0u stead wif her.. be more mature xD y0u ask mii wad?? be m0re mature? sayy i'm childiish wad about her.. nnbpcb wad she d0 make ppl sho0 dulan 1st fake face.., ANTI FAKER!! ii hate HOLY BYTCH! i'll shall sh0w y0u wad iish call childish remeber wad y0u sayy grow up~ ii will prove y0u correct tat i'm childiish farkkinq bytchhy holy [S]lut! y0u deserve wat ii sayy LOOK HERE FARKKING ACT CHIO FARKKING FAKE FACE wat r y0u? lousyy biitchh buayy song lai larhhs h0r.., ii nber step ur head, dunch y0u dare step my finger iif dare see wh0 m0re taisaii okayy?! okayy TMR GOING SENTOSA~ hope nth happen to star today bought a newurbanmale tank california derh.., next w3ek buying new derhh.., wahha Saturday, November 24, 2007
24nov today barhh when iice skate saw feliciachin nn natho weiyi dare shout ILOVEY0U NAT hahha nat was like omg! hahha she iish totally mad t0dayy t0ok ph0to wif felicia so happy hahha WEIYI m0re happy riite yarhh nn todayy saw shuana skating haha chatted wif her.. chat ab0ut FAKE [G][U][C][C][I] hahha maybe lets create a anti-fake gucci acc barhh to anti all ppl who wear fake stuff.. tat all i'm g0ing to watch [h]air [m]agician
Friday, November 23, 2007
title; dha w0rd fr0m muaii farkking heart t0 j0s [c]hippy [m]0leyFARKING PCB [t]a[m]a[d]e cb if uui nber kar ppl jia0 weii dhen whiyye ppl wann karr ur jiia0 weii huh?? fark y0u larhhs s0 manyy ppl s0 dulann of y0u lia0 still make ppl angryy [n]a[b]eii g0 kar my jiiao weii infront of ppl larhhs c wh0 spread m0ree buayy song lai larhhs h0r [F]ARK [E]UR [F]AKE [G]UCCI [B]AG [F]ARK [E]UR [F]AKE [G]UCCI [B]AG [F]ARK [E]UR [F]AKE [G]UCCI [B]AG [F]ARK [E]UR [F]AKE [G]UCCI [B]AG [F]ARK [E]UR [F]AKE [G]UCCI [B]AG [F]ARK [E]UR [F]AKE [G]UCCI [B]AG [F]ARK [E]UR [F]AKE [G]UCCI [B]AG tell y0u all something.., j0sephnie b0ught a fake gucci bag nn on last mondayy she went 0ut wiff mii dhen we go taka walk s0 ii say ii wanna go to buy smt from gucci dhen after tat ii tell her lets go [G]UCCI dhen she macham like elephant saw a small mouse liddat siia know wat..,? she keep sayy aiyaahh ermmm dunch wann larhhs ermm n0w no0 moneyy .. dunch wann go in.., **such a reason she have* guyss if y0u all ever saw j0s bring a sling gucci erm ii should sayy sling [F]AKE gucci bagg okayy dhen remember t0 bring her g0 shopping esp t0 [G]UCCI shop okayy.. tats all f0r t0dayy ii still miss him.., 23n0v finally g0rt free time to blog liao [Y]ou[M]elt[M]y[H]eart [h]ave uui felt a guy keep l0oking at y0u? [h]ave uui ever tok to a just know guy f0r so long [h]ave uii feel being irritated by miie ii really start t0 fall in love wif y0u lia0 ur to0 h0t f0r miie Sunday, November 18, 2007
18nov07today slack at home bored siia nth do keep playing audition.. siao loh buy2 a-cash card.. jackson nn mii derh n0w go bath 1st ii shall cut hand nn forget all ur stuff Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
38.5 degree lerh
omg!! increasing^my fever iish increasing h0w.. from 37.8degree on 11nov 36.7degree on 12nov 38.2degree on 13nov todayy siia n0w just take thermometer test liao omg!! so high tmr how ii still going skate.., somemore thursday going werkiing omg!! farking siick.. body iish h0t.. hand iish cold eye iish so watery body iish aching every where iish so pain crying hard n0w.., whyiie must ii sick n0w.. batam sick or wat.. n0w just dunch feel like eating dunch feel playing anything.. watching tv to0.., just feel like wanna rest rest rest think ii wanna die lerh.., 1st time fever till sho0 worst.. anything just tag my blog or sms mii or cor mii barh.., ii will try to cor y0u back as soon as possible buaibuai~ Sunday, November 11, 2007
such a raining dayy~
cant sleep properlycant eat properly cant write properly but can onli cry hardly iie still miss y0u Saturday, November 10, 2007
todayydunch realli know wanna be happy or sad btw wat y0u doing now? ii c0r y0u dhen y0u late late dhen ans my call but y0u sound asleep but kinda worried cos 1st time heard tat y0u nber go rounding wif ur bike gang so ii feel tat ur sick now hais... everyday sleep so late sick also good but too bad ii not there so ii cant take care of y0u hais bad too aiya also no use cos y0u also nber see my heart always crying hard f0r y0u ytd crying till siao meiyan heard everything hais ii realli love y0u so much cant lost y0u.., ytd at ice skate also happy iish tat terry k0rkor gort come hahha gort pei him..too aload photo there too.., at there celebrate k0rkor derh burfdayy Monday, November 05, 2007
IIe TuuDayy G0iNg To Batam AgainDo Miss Miie Kayy hahha Back By Thursdayy morning maybe come home lerh dhen afternoon go skate go there buy hair extension stuff xiaoxiao derh stuff kelvin derh bape shirt yangsing derh psp softcover Saturday, November 03, 2007
MY BURfDAYY ISSH FINALLY OVER LERH~THANKS EVERYONE Special thanks to PAPA nn MAMAsheng ri kuai lerh~ enjoy eur dayy MEIYAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DI DI...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~~~Wish all your dreams will come true..And must be alway happy ok.. Dun like sad sad want.. Haha.. Take care wor... Di di.. A bear for you..^^()````() ()````()( ^ , ^) (^ , ^ )(``) (``)(``) (``) Cute ma.. Haha..^^ PIMAN happybirthdayy horr~ HAZELhappy birthday! haha!MAGGIEhappy super advance birthday, happy advance birthday, happy birthdayy CHENGYANG happy advance birthday to you FITRAHhappy birthday to you REGINA take care urself enjoy ur dayy happy birthday ADELINEhappy birthday didi ABSHEKhappy birthdayy JOYCEtake care happy birthdayy DOREENhappy birthday! haha! HUIMEIhappy birthday....haha... LIXINhappy bdae! haha LINGHUIhappybirthday haha! XIAOXIAOhappy birthday ..... :D YIFANGhappy birthday! wish your dream come true..stay happy always AARONb'day boy tml enjoy hor.. sry cant pei u, haha.. TIAOZHIhappy birthday! =) JIEJIEhappy birthday brother.! WEIYIboo' happy birthday :) JOSEPHNIEheyys!happie bday! (: finally 16 liao worh. haha HUIHUIA.K.A.JASMINEhappiie biirtthdae tuu euuiihx ! :) ZHEhappybirthday KELVINCHUA happi biirthday ALFREDA JACQUELINE ALFREDA KORKOR YANGSING thanks to tuU all THESE PPL WHO BRIGHTER MY DAYY and thanks to all ppl who greet mii nn yet ii forgotten to put,, thanks alot so happy todayy but din have cake this year.. no wiish make in 24 hrs haiss 1st time in 16 years nbermiind my love ones happy can lerh so touch by many ppl suddenly just feel like crying f0r nth.. ii miss all ppl thanks~ AH ZHE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~ DUNCH SAY IIE NORT G0OD IIE WRIITE HERE BIGBIG LET UIE SEE KAYY TAKE CARE ALOAD LARH 21 LERH HAPPY MARH~ HAHHA ENJOY BARHX Thursday, November 01, 2007
ppl who wiish mii happy burfdayy b4 my burfdayyPIMAN~ at 11:13pm todayy MAGGIE 3tyme lerh hahha todayy also HAZEL monday atika today afternoon Fitrah today afternoon Chengyang lastlast week thanks al0ad! ii miss piman nn maggie esp sorry but c0s ii miss him aload PIMAN~ 31oct ytd while meet meiyan nn jac ii was packing my stuff nn doing load of thing after tat jiejie reach lerh ii still have nort reach jac waiting~ at ang mo kio dhen ii rush liao loh after tat reach lerh haha todayy wear till veri man so was kinda happy hhaa it really l0ok niicer dhen all tho0se skinny or wad dhen after tat chatted wif meiyan in the mrt till angmokio jac say she still at home so we wanna wait outsiide after tat we 2 g0 out liao cb we saw her outside lerh loh bluff us dhen after tat we faster go in.. chat alot stuff inside hhaha dhen till awhile alfredaBaobei c0r miie sayy she dunchno wanna go out anort ii say iif wan dhen go norh dunch wann dhen dunch lorh dhen she decided to come town meet us wif her fwen when we reach town 1sty thing we go eat at heeren PONTIAN noodles omg sho0 niice yummy~ dhen after tat eat finish lerh we go cine dance parapara MI onli larhh so ps gort ppl see mii playy hahha after tat go play audition at 9fl0or dhen alfreda come ii sayy in red cage after tat she come in liao we chatchat while ii waiting f0r my audition to load finish done loading liao h0r cb WRONG SERVER! knn ii tell counter ppl change to 5 dhen okayy change liao h0r alfreda pei mii chat awhile later another side g0rt a uncle watch porn hahha kana spotted by alfreda haha dhen ii turn around ii say wtf here leii alfreda sayy wanna play com so ii help her open 1 com for her.. dhen ii tell the counter ppl gort ppl watch porn siia uncle watch girlgirl.. dhden after tat security come he clever close all siia cb after tat go off liao alfreda sure net loh after tat we walk to far east plaza there tattoo shop c0s meiyan wann put angkong hahha dhen findinfindin see this shop niice we go loh hahha MOVING BED~~ okayy after tat okayy larh nort ex after tat we go jec slack~ dhen we go home lerh jiejie sayy ii now on tyme go home lerh good good hahhah n0w listening to BEi feng cui guo derh xiia tiian jj nn dunchno who sho0 niice~ make mii think of dha past.. okayy bahh maybe todayy slack at home cc how TMR MY BURFDAYY 2 NOV wh0 will remember?! g0rt sim give mi comment N blog regular reader of mine pls w0r sat skate even though its late by one dayy but ii still wanna see y0u guys there wifout qurreling i'll be happy IFF ANIONE give mii aa hug 0r anything i'll be happy to0 HOPE TERRY WILL COME~ YUJUN,,JOYSS,,XIUHUI,, ALOAD M0RE~~ |