
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
hal0w guys :]i'm finally back to singapore after 3 dayy of going to batam ytd reach singapore at 1+ ii went to maggie hse meet maggie jasmine nn 3yi dhen pack everything liao dhen we actually take bus go derh dhen 6yi reach liao.. so we take cab down to habour front. while in cab mummy call mi asking where iiam ii say going to habour front dhen ii ask her take care all nn she say ok ask mii not to think to0 much about singapore.., go for hoilday without any worries :] dhen reach liao habour front drop off point dhen we take lugg nn stuff out walk to 2nd floor while bryan nn maggie mum go buy ticket nn steven uncle take care of stuff we when to buy food quickly c0s no tyme hahha dhen after tat done liao straight away go in the check point go in to the checking bag point.., check liao dhen get our passport chop pass pass liao go to 1st floor straight away go take boat hahha in boat sitsit chatting after chatting f0r 40 mins finally we reach batu ampat indonesiia batam derh ferry point dhen check liao go off take cab hahha actually cab 4 ppl nia but we 6 ppl say ok larh wat wat derh dhen the ppl bo bian dhen we just go off liao hhaha reach da yi hse go baibai ahma grandma nn ii keep finding ah gong grandpa but cant find leii nbermiind dhen ii ppary to ahma ii psayy ahma ahh boy here mama cant come due to smt else so ii come here loh take care too tell ahgong too -___-"' after tt maggie go rebond her hair veri long siia till 7 + dhen piman come hahha he so cute siia hahha after so long din see him ii always waited hahha finally he come okayy dhen h0r ii keep sticking wiif him larh 1st dayy night we onli go to his fwen hse toktok awhile dhen we go back home lerh dhen after tat cb 1+am he tell mii about iif at night hear anithing dunch care can liao ii ask y he say dunchno lei hahhah at 3+am iim still awake dhen hor cb suddenly g0rt sound ppl singing at sam bar yang song laaaaa~~ baaa~ homm~~ dhen ii say shit wtf still cant sleep omg! ii wisper pimanpiman~ wake up he turn nn baobao muie dhen after awhile cb he still sleep like nth happen dhen suddenly no sound liao ii faster m0ve hand cb the sound again ii stop til lawhile totally no sound within a sec sound BOOHM~ ii say SHYYTIE~ come liao dhen ii suddenly sleep heng ah till 7++ finally dhen wake up liao ii tell him he say next ddoor no ppl stay lerh so gort ghost ii say wtf.. hahha dhen after tat nth liao loh he gort sk0ol dhen in dha morning he send mii to da yi hse no ppl wake up yet so gate iis lock ii climb in loh hahha he ask mii climb in derh siia hahhahaa dhen after tat ji gong open do0r liao ii go in loh chat awhile maggie wake up lerh hahha after tat ii keep counting tyme wat time he finish sk0ol marh dhen at 1 or 2+ he come hahha motor again so niice dhen we go shopping he send mii there to0 after tat at night we go out meet his bike fwens cb 19 bike all ii dunchno derh but he intro alot ppl to mmii heng gort ppl tok to mii english ii think iish andyy dhen riding till other placce veri fast speed ii hug him c0s scare mah cb.., dhen this andyy keep disturbbing mii nabehh y0u ask mii hug derh loh still say mii cb at 1am+ go back ah sen hse ton mii till 230am ii sleep liao dhen at 3 piman come in sleep sleep upstair loh good dunch sleep wif mii back painpain liao loh hahhah nbermiind dhen h0r morning a guy sleep beside mii ii was like wtf piman come help mii out of tat bed c0s tat guys hug mii ! dhen after tat we go da yi hse again after tat we go jennyfer party at ktv alot ppl come nabehh till we cant even stand inside all her fwens dhen we go off loh.., awhile later mi piman go eat while maggie nn jasmine stay at there eat chiccken riice awhile alater sit bike go to ktv there bring them go eat hahhaa at texas place like kfc ohhh ya there gort BFC hahha best fried chicken dhen we say best farking centre hahha dhen alot larh at night we go back da yi hse piman go sent his mama hse at BCS batam city square dhen mi nn mag nn jas stay at home 1st chatchat till awhile piman came at 10pm chat till 11 we go off liao piman take mii back to his hse we chat awhile dhen sleep liao haiss sad man.. ii miss him dhen in dha morning he bring mmii to da yi hse again dhen tat tyme iish last time ii see him go h0me after tat.. buaibuai~ |