
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Monday, July 30, 2007
today exam ENGLISH siiahaiyo.., hhaha nth to do also.., STRESS NOW.., nth to type le.., head painpain xi wan my burfday you will come kae., Tuesday, July 24, 2007
hais.., just disown my one nn only BAOBEImeimeiwhich ii realli dunch wanna derh.., but no choice ii will try my best to let him go de.., but realli its a verii hard one.., hais.., ii realli will miss you two as my BAOBEImeimei nn Exkorkor but realli niid to let it go.., sorry to let alfreda cry.., but ii realli have no choice.., dunch cor mii nn ask why.., bcos ii have no reason.., tis time tis date tis year remember kae.., sunday mi nn jackson bought levi's coin pouch.., 20buck.., each nicole today fly back le.., hais.., bored now.., hais nth to blog le loh.., feeling sad.., for something.., nbermiind.., no people will understand.., Saturday, July 21, 2007
today.., wahahatonning at meiyan jiejie hse.., now at dere le loh.., hahha hahha wiif cheng yang.., but here macham nth to do.., hais.., aiya dunchno larhs.., today skate.., dhen hor terry lixin miyake got come.., hais.., still dha same tok to him sometime reply. sometime nber reply der.., hais.., say byebye to him.., no reply too.., hais.., he nber hug mi.., ii actually wanna hug him.., but scare he dunch wan.., somemore got miyake.., ii scare.., hais.., miss miss miss.., nber other tiime will try my best derh to hug him hahha.., kae loh.., ii logging off le.., buaibuai KELVINchua take care urself.., dunch sad le.., dunch angry too.., anything can tell mi de kae Friday, July 20, 2007
BAD DAY today hais.., totally make mii just feel liike doing those thiing which ii dunch feel liike today din go sk0ol.., after tat at 11 meet lixin nn linghui at inter batok dhen yifang cor mi say she wanna meet us.., go sk0ol t0gether ii say ok lohh.., dhen after tat go sk0ol liao makan 1st dhen after tat hazel nn ii go choir for awhile till 1.43pmn dhen after tat go to meet lixin all at canteen .., slack awhile dhen go to oral le.., FARK LARHS.., dunchno which idiot pao toh us come sk0ol.., dhen mdm leow.., go write letter to adam.., say we 4 morning nber g0 sk0ol but afternoon got go..,nahbeh.., dhen monday niid to go see adam.., siao liao larhs.., ii going die le.., dhen after tat oral finish liao.., ii go home..,hazel pei mii.., dhen my parent kaobei mii.., say say say.., dhen ii go out loh.., ii go rink meet kel nicole jos aaron.., alfreda.., dhen after tat we go arcade walkwalk play ssr.., siao lor got pro hahah ii no face le.., =.=" hahha dhen aiya alot thing loh.., after tat nicole nn hazel go home.., at 7pm ii go home.., dhen reach home le ii heard mr tong chat wif my mum.., ii know smt will happen nbermiind.., monday loh you shall wait.., cor cor cor kkae., cor more.., nn make mii kana suspend by sk0ol.., YOU DHEN WILL HAPPY RIITE..,AIYA IIF TATS WAT YOU WAN JUST GO NN DO IT.. NO FEAR HERE.., dhen mummy start nagging mii le.., dhen papa scold mi.., SORRY II DID SMT.., *** dha **** hahha dunch tell you toniite maybe going out.., hais. ii realli dunch feel liike celebrating my burfday thiis year.., ii think just giib it a rest.., go shopping alone.., tat will be great.., tmr going riink skate nn hor NICOLE last day skating.., b4 going back to aust
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
siian today.., hais..,after sk0ol go makan at canteen after tat go home play psp nn stay.., msg regina hahha kinda miss her alot.., ii miss terry alot also.., hais.., tmr going skate.., nn dunchno how to face some ppl ii gonna act dao.., ii dunch care.., hazel also going there.., soon when my haiir grow longer.., jos mi nn alfreda.., wanna cut same hair.., hhahha JOS WE TAKE NEO PRINT TOGETHER hahha make dhem jealous we go out buy dha same stuff.., shirt same.., hair same nn lot more hahha take care urself.., actually going to singapore poly to see yusof nn singapore poly bball match.., but hais nbermiind parennt dunch let tmr dunch even know wanna go sk0ol not.., iif not half way run hahha go office tell dhem ii niid to go home headache.., hahha kk loh buaibuai.., KELVIN,, NICOLE,, HAZEL c you guys tmr kae.., Thursday, July 12, 2007
today bah.., erm nth to do slack at home..,hahha dhen later going meet hazel all at west mall linghui going clinic fang dunch know wanna eat not.., hais.., if nt later meet them liao go meet nicole.., c how thing goes.., hais.., d n t again.., make mii stress.., Thursday, July 05, 2007
just finish werkiing nia.., come home le..,sian.., eunice wanna quit le ii will realli miss her laughter.., alot hais.., tmr werkiing with zhe yang hhaha i'm new to him.., paiseh~ =.=" hahha sorry i'm just tryiing to act cute.., erm.., today bored siia.., tmr got D n T omg hell hellhell.., hahha kk loh byebye iif someone ever spent 160buck on mi thiis year at 02 11 07 ii will love tat ppl alot.., no gender diffrent.., male or female also can.., later werkiing.., at bugis.., 6 to 11., next few day ii will be making myself buzy.., not going skating.., go out.., just go werk.., tats all.., iif ii go out ii will miss dhem.., werkking hard for my new cardigen nn a lv wallet.., hahha jos our aim LV wallet.., 0o0o ya maybe going buy psp too.., hhaha so no nid lent from jiejie le.., new levi jean nn shoe.., today get pay yay so happy buy little bit onli.., hais.., ii realli love tha alot.., wanna stead wiif tha..,ii love tha.., SAM.SAM.SAM. ?? who nehs~~ guess urself wor.., hahha k loh going bath liao dhen go out le.., byebye.., anythiing cor my hp or sms.., takekare peeps.., XD ii love* *hahha Wednesday, July 04, 2007
today nth..,bad mood still but alot stuff make mii laugh.., at ITE batok hahha having fun.., kana di siao siia.. but okok onli.., ppl tot ii malay again.., hahha but heard from lixin both of dhem r mly mix chi.., hahha dhen today after ite stuff go home loh.., cc sailor moon.., dhen after tat go meet hazel nn yifang at west mall after tat hui ask mii go inter find dhem., go woodland.., dhen after tat we take 187 home loh.., today again.., miss alot ppl .., TERRY CHENGYANG JJOYS ALFREDA SAMUEL ii love you guys so much! take care urself.., Tuesday, July 03, 2007
one go off another go off too..,just leave mii man.., i'm all alone by myself.., you ask mii not to be ur didi anymore.., he always say her name infront of mii.., just maybe to make mii feel wrong.., nn not to step into eur all de liife.., make mii feel guilty all dha way.., leave mii bah.., all dump mii aside pls.., ii just wanna study.. go out.. make my time full just to forget you guys(3 ppl) she did nth to mii.., but ii just kinda miss her.., leave mii wifout holding my hand even for once.., *cry you 3 r just enough to make my liife miserable ii realli had enough le.., ii wanna forget "Y" but now my heart is verii pain.., who cares for mii.., HAZELbestiie nn ALfreDa baobei meimei nn joyce nn darlene onli maybe there r more.., but nber show niia.., hais.., all thanks wor.., ii just wanna thanks you guys for holdiing mii back when ii just niid help.., hazel who have been my *3yrs 6mths 2days* gone tru thick nn thin wiif mii.., cry wiif mii.., pei mii when ii most niid someone.. ohh ya.., TO PEOPLE IN RINK: pls listen up..,maybe some people dunchno my blog.., but ii still must say.., iif you guys thiink i'm breakiing people relationship.., or i'm just being a devil sorri.., i'm not.., ii just wanna tell bcos some people might blame mii for somethiing else but iis ok.., ii know larh.., but just come tell mii riite infront of mii.., i'm able to accept all words, messages, nn stuff liddat.., tok straight to mii kae.., thanks for dha comment buaibuai.., argh.., verii piss off.., bad mood today too.., mr tong siao.., knn take my score sheet wanna act cute knn dhen nbermind today piss off le ppl wanna let mii dulan them back.., hais.., you just tell mii bcos dunch wan lor.. aiya .. you got yangyang will do liao le la.. tat day ii wanted to make u happy by giving you a goodbye**** nn a hug.. you dunch seems to feel anythiing.. so ..yup kk loh ii wanna die.., farkfark.., Monday, July 02, 2007
Y MUST YOU DISOWN MI??WHY.., WHY.., WHY.., II REALLI WAN YOU TO BE MY baobeiKORKOR thx for hugging mii on sat.., ii realli treasure tat moment.., alotalot.., heart onli have YOU HIM HER no more le.., but why have to do this to mii?? whywhywhy?? *cry at around 12 liddat hazel call mi dhen ii tell her about he msg mi.., say:from today on don call mi k0rkor ii was liike wtf.., omg dhen ii msg him ask how come.., dhen ii tell hazel ii thiink its all link.., he say at his blog: