
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
hais.., tmr my jiejie going oversea.., sad bored..,she going to hongkong shopping.., so good.., how ii wiish ii have a chance go dere.., jealous.., hais..,ii will miss her alot derh.., muackiie.., jiejie takecare urself.., dere.., alot wor.., we not dere onli ur friend family there wiif you onli.., hais.., nbermiind.., but adleast ii can use ur com.., hhaha.., yay.., so good.., miss you alot.., hhaha today go qo iice skate..,so fun but little bit sad.., all couple onli mii nber.., hais.., ya kelvin too.., hahha ii going diie le larh.., no one love mii.., hais.., ii liike someone but dha dunch like mii.., i love you muackiie.., i'm to0 ugly f0r euU ii Kn0w wriite letter for tmr sk0ol stuff.., remember ii pon sk0ol today hahha byebye Monday, June 25, 2007
hais.., ii totally hate today liife.., omg!!starting of day.., ii lost 10 buck.., nvm ii ask lixin lent mii money.., after tat.., go maths class kana scold.., by tong k.c still got.., dhen after tat go yifang hse.., wana go meet meiyan.., so go loh.., go liao meiyan nn her mum fightiing for nth.., dhen hor got ppl chap in for nth knn.., act big.., keep say knn bu chao chee bye.., nn wat chee bye larh.., dhen mii nn chengyang nn meiyan nn her mum keep sayiing him back.., scold him.., dhen yang say fark u larh.., shut up can anot.., hahha so fierce.., kekke nbermiind.., after tat go back xiu ling fight wiif her mum also ii go listen toktok loh.., fight fight fight.., till siao.., at 8.04 ii call mummy say ii will be late home xiuling fight with her mum after tat at 8.36 mummy call mi say you wanna take all ur sleep stuff go downstiar mah..,? ii say no larh now coming up le.., ii go up hor you know wat?? my father say take out ur hp.., ii keeping defending myself.., hahha say till win loh but father say onli let mii go out on sat but sunday cant go out.., wtf.., cb nn hor tmr cant go out after sk0ol go home.., hais.., wed wanna go skate so niid to try.,., thursday also can go home after sk0ol.., nn friday werking.., sunday maybe can stay at home.., pls larh papa let mii go werk.., sunday werk till 7pm niia.., pls larh.., jiejie if you see this pls help mii tell papa.., take care all buaibuai~ Thursday, June 21, 2007
hais.. ytd..,erm.., wat to say.., from 3pm to 3.30pm was crying hardly.., thiinking of wanna leave hiim anot.., but ii dunch thiink so cannot loh.., ii wun leave hiim derh.., ytd go rink skate.., got yang jos hazel mi jackson marcus sukii darlene joyce muthu joewe aaron jessica aiya alot jiu dui le larh.., dhen hor skate loh.., till 8++ dhen go makan at 130.., dhen eat finish le.., go yang hse wif ***** joyce jos.., dhen after tat jackson come loh.., we chat alot of stuff dhen after tat ask ppl wanna watch p*** anot.., hahha -grandma**** hahhha wahahha jackson.., mi tiian gonk chao fan alot new dishes dhen after tat sleep le hor mii nn jackson keep disturbing jos.., she sleep we pull her hair.., nn kick her.., hahha till 2 smt.., but ii sleep at 4++ jackson sleep at 5++ haha till morning wake up.., dhen after tat go paradiz mall play lan.., haha audition.., keke muackiie.., baobeiMEIMEI alfreda NYJ SUKII "KORKOR" jackson KORKOR akira LAOGONG cheng yang Monday, June 18, 2007
yay.., finally today off le..,ii thiink one whole week off..,soo happy.., jos werk these few day.., bored.., hais.., she give shdule fark loh.., dha cb lyn.., bitch knn.., farkin on dee arshole~ nbermind.., these week go play till siao loh.., maybe wednesday nv go chalet.., if nt going ii going skate hais.., last week of holiday lerh.., but happy iish tat.., can meet lixin dhey all this week yay.., werkiing so bored.., but no choice,, hais.., ii realli love her alot siia.., my dearest laopo.., ytd someone ask mii on msg,, got stead lerh huh ii say no y.., ii tell her.., dunch wanna have stead meh?? hahha she nber reply mii.., but hope dat.., ii can patch wif her.., back chu lian.., hahha kaekae.., going out wiif chengyang.., maybe hazel.., maybe kelvin.., wanna ask alot ppl go lei.., Wednesday, June 13, 2007
hais.., these few dae thinkking alot stuff.., hais..,got thinkss abt.. ex.f-laopo stuff.., laogong stuff.., friendship stuff.., werking stuff.., =.= -.- =.= -.- whyie liddat??aiyo., heart pain.., hais.., ii LOVE YOU ALOT.., LAOPO WO AI NI abt laopo stuff.., last long call from her iish 11 june 12.35am duration 1hr46mins44sec she told miie alot stuff., suddenly she told mi tat "i'm veri disapointed iin eu..," ii was verii sad.., *C O L my heart iish totally break.., wo men gou gou shou~~ dang shi jian dao liu hou.., wo jiang shi yi ge.., heng gao xin derh ren.. abt last time when he call miie.., chat iish totally difference from now.., last time got alot stuff to talk about but.., now.., LIEs around dha call.., but ii niid to choose riite stuff to believe.., ppl told miie off cos of him.., ii dunch mind.., he say miie ii shudup how can we become liddis?? uur laughter compare to last time its totally difference from today.., ii prefer last tiime derh you.., cos last tiime everything iish hide nn ii dunch even know stuff about you.., so ii could chat well nn laugh well now know le.., how ii hope ii nv know anything b4 siia.., know le feel more hurts.., pain.., fragile heart.., broken heart.., auntiie sweap dha floor.., hahha hope time will turn back to last time.., happy ending.., but iif time dunch turn back ii think i'm dha one suffer.., ALONE.., WO AI NI.., abt friendship stuff miie nn H A Z E L still dha same lidd to talk back.., ii teach you.., derh lei.., ask you not to talk back miie.., you insisted.., wtf.., knn.., friendshipp till liddat.., how can.., almost macham lidd last time loh.., BACKSTAB-FRIENDSHIP think 1st la hor yy everytime ii will scold you.., cos of all ur lame stuff nn act big.., tell uu alot time le.., not to act too much.., dunch listen maybe alot ppl hate.., you for all this.., try to help you but you.., still liddat .., hhaiss~~ abt werking stuff.., nth to say., still waiting.., STILL WAITING~ today going ice skate.., alfredaMEIMEI chengyangSTBBGGBBKKLG joanneXIAOMEIMEI hazelBESTFRIEND joyceHAOPENGYOU abzMUTHU meiyanBESTIIE alot more but dunchno who loh.., soon at 8am gonna call hazell.., meet her in rink.., eat breakfast.., dhen go skate hope later nth will happen.., outside smiling,, inside cry.. emo liife of jeffrey.., Monday, June 11, 2007
today totally upset about smt.., hais..,DUIBUQI ex F.LAOPO I LOVE YOU ii promiise you watever you say.., not to find anymore taiji.., anyhow scold people.., promise to take care myself.., thx for all dha care uu giiven miie.., in dha past.., once aa fake laopo,, always aa fake laopo.., never bee replaced by anione.., JeffreyKOR & AlfredaMEI decided not to help anyone .
We shall stand in the middle Friday, June 08, 2007
to my mummy:HAPPY BURFDAY TO MY MOST BELOVED MUM thx for taking care of my dearest papa nn jiejie nn lastly MII thx wor.., ur dha best mummy ever which even ii go outside ii cant even see a mummy just like you.., hahha ii realli love you alot.., WO AI NI MAMA.., take care urself.., once again.., HAPPY BURFDAY TO MUMMY HAPPY BURFDAY TO MUMMY HAPPY BURFDAY TO MUMMY HAPPY BURFDAY TO MUMMY WO AI NI YI BEI ZI kk back to subject.., today wor.., in dha morning went to cheng yang hse.., awhile onli.., dhen kelvin.., reach his hse.., which ii was about to go le.., dhen when we go pick kelvin up dhen after bring le.., ii go off cos meeting ppl.., eat breakfast.., hahha dhen after tat eat finish le.., abz cor mi ask mi wanna go yang hse.., dhen ii say ok loh.., so we meet at yang hse downstair.., dhen go joyce too going.., after we go up.., for awhile abz say he going home le.., cb siao.., india cheebye hahha no larh.., ps us.., but he msg us.., say sorry hahha dhen after tat joyce nn mi.., wanna go off le.., so kelvin wanna go off too.., after tat chengyang say wanna go out too cos going sk0ol so all go out together.., dhen after tat kelvin go home.., joyce.., go friend hse.., yang nn mi go rink.., meet hazel.., after tat mi nn hazel going to vivo meet jos for job interview.., at train dere.., suddenly yang call mi say say wanna meet us.., cos no sk0ol today.., dhen ii keep asking him real derh mah.., he say can believe mi once mah ii say ya loh.., dhen suddenly alfreda baobei meimei..,, from dha train jump out.., knn xia si wo le.., hahha chat awhile dhen she keep thinking wanna go out with us or find friends.., but in the end to find friend.., haha so we took train to habour front.., dere sorry jos for waiting 40 mins.., hahha thx to hazel mah hhaha at dha uzumaki.., dere write hahha.., awhile later done liao we go shopshop around.., hahha dhen we buy tibits liao go upstair slack.., eat liao we go sleep sleep till 4 loh hhaha knn.., dhen after ttat joyce nn abz wanna come find us so all meet at 3rd floor.., after awhile ii say ii hungry le.., so we go seah imm eat.., hahha chicken rice yummy hahha after tat we go rink.., dhen go home liao loh.., haha actually wanna run out of home to go c hockey derh.., but nvm lar.., other time.., next time pei jos.., hhaa TMR II SKATING WOR.., hhaha so happy.., ii love skating.., take care ppl.., e.s.p JJOYS NYJ hazel bestfriend chengyang joyce abz jackson akira joewe kelvin chua jos weiyi jac yulin nn loh more larh.., sorry if ii nv name out.., hahha kk buaibuai Sunday, June 03, 2007
hhaa finally blogging again..,ytd jiejie burfday wor.., but ii nv celebrate wif her.., hais.., these year getting more nn more bad lurh.., hais.., every year family burfday ii will sure celebrate.., but this year jiejie burfday nv sia.., nvm tok about ytd.., ytd was a skater's day hahha in dha morning yang nn mi meet with muthu dhen go take mrt to jurong.., dhen joyce..,came.., suki call mi say she at rink.., wif jackson after tat they also come., up to mrt there.., hazel lei.., late again!! nb always late loh.., hais.., nvm she own mii a drink.., too much le loh..,nv think for ppl.., 7 ppl wait for 1 ppl lei.., nv after tat take mrt to habour front.., ii msg weiyi ask where ish she.., sha tell mi she at clackquey going to reach habour front le.., so ii say meet her there.., meet liao after tat mi nn meiyan hungry we go eat loh., dhen after tat we go arcade play parapara.., ii put coin 1st dhen ii play dhen after tat hazel play ii go find chengyang toktok.., dhen hazel last song we all go..,hhahha after tat we go take tram to sentosa lols XDXDXD hahha dhen reach there we find place.., place our bag dhen some went to swim,, some go suntann hahha after awhile xiaoxiao jackson akira.., all come le.., hhahha dhen we play alot of things.., run here nn there most of dha time ii was not wif him.., nvm loh but hor he go with someone else.., knn nbermind.., dhen after tat (cutshort)we go bath.., daniel 1st dhen mi 2nd kelvin 3rd.., hahha awhile later shake shake come fin us take hp from daniel.., dhen we go back to our place loh.., knn my suntanning oil loss ccb.., nvm going buy new one liao.., at NewErbanMale.. .., dhen hor after tat we go makan.., pasir panjang again.., yummy food.., hahha 5buck each ppl.., dhen order drink .., ii go buy fried hockkien mee..,5 buck we share eat eat eat dhen we go home loh.., 9 ppl in ahneo car.., ahneo xiaoxiao front seat.., jos at right door.., dhen yanyi,, yang.., nn mi we r dha ppl sitting.., dhen hazel joyce NGYUJUN sit at our leg.., ooo ya a fat lady sit at my leg.., hahha just kidding so afftertat reach jurong hor all go home loh.., hughug dhen go off le.., june 4th ytd meet jos yang yanyi dhen we go to vivo.., slack there buy food eat.., dhen after tat go jurong.., find job.., dhen go imm find mac.., |