
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Monday, May 21, 2007
haha.., these few days back.., verii fun..,sat was celebrating sukii nn hazel de burfday party mah derh after tat hor.., terry got come.., so mii nn yangyang go say HIIE k0rkor hahha derh after tat terry got tok to mii lei.., so happy.., pplayplayplay till siao loh.., after skating.., was 8 liddat mah.,., after datt.., we go eat.., at 130.., alot ppl loh ii nn yangyangbaobei eat noodles.., share.., ii too full mah.., den he say if ii nv eat he dunch wanna eat.., ii say kae loh eat eat.., ii dunch wanna him to be hungry.., eat..,..,.., after tat ii suddenly go walk till terry dere sit ii call him jiejie.., while poking him.., haha dhen he say dunch touch him la .., as aa girl later ii shout.., fei lii arh.., hahhaderh ii dunch care again poking him .., suddenly he.., go pinch my nipples.., pain loh .., ouchouch after tat eat finish le walk back rink.., onli got mii terry yangyang xiuhui joyss.., den we sit there chat,, go toilet.., see boyboy.., see ppl playing hockey.., AFtEr TaT HoR he make mii jealous loh.., haha he know yangyang nn mi veri close.., derh hor he go .., touch here nn there.., hahha wtf -.-" sian 1/2 till awhile ii say dunch make mii jealous la.., pls ii say hahha kk dhen we chat till 1125 liddat.., dhen all go take cab.., mi go to ton at yangyang hse.., dhen akira joyss jude jackson.., go take other cab.., go jackson hse.., terry nn xiuhui go take train.., when at yang hse so paiseh~ can?? omg!! his mum nn sis at living room.., dhen mi was like ermermerm.., hi auntiie.., derh after ask him lead mi to his room.., dhen ii tell him ii wanna bath.., he say can loh.., ya dhen ii ask him lent mi towel nn short.., cos nv bring mah.., after tat shower finish le.., take out contact lense.., dhen go to his room again.., sit dere diamdiamm.., shhhh.., awhile later he come in.., to his room.., dern we pack dah.., stuff take out bed.., dhen after tat akira or jackson call mi go down.., so ii ask yang follow.., mi nn him go down loh.., after awhile.., down liao the reach in time.., haha so we bring them up.., after tat when yang sister nn mum go bed le.., we go outside watch tbee.., after tat we decided to go buy food.., crackers.., yang go ask his mum can anot.., she say can.., we go down loh while walking tok alot boy stuff.., derh buy food liao.., go back yang hse.., eateat.., dhen awhile later joys escape from home.., dhen take cab to yang hse.., mi nn yang again go fetch siao loh downstair soo cold.., freeze man.., dhen jjoys come le.., we faster go up.., dhen all started to watch movie.., till 44am.., all go sleep.., yang mi jjoys jackson akira.., hhaha dhen sleepsleepsleep.., till sian.., hahha wakeup.., go home liao loh.., hahha kae kae buaibuai larh.., updated other day.., nitee Saturday, May 12, 2007
ytd so fun haha
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
hais.., today is hawwa n piman burfdayso good loh both can go 29may mos underage party le.., jealous siia.., hais.., going to cry again.., she snatch away my friends.., hais.., nvm ii will continue find my true friends.., JEFFREY GAMBATTE NEH~~ whyyie no one wanna stead wif mii derh.., am ii too ugly..,?? hais.., ii know la too ugly le.., i also dunch care so much as long as ii dunch have friend who have plastic face can le.., you guys know wat ii mean sad to hav aa friend.., who also kar my LJ word.., nvm lar its ok derh.., ii have lots of friends.. Sunday, May 06, 2007
hahha today wake up at 6.55amhahha cos wanna watch 7am de show so nice.., hahha later going to go jurong meet hazeL chEngyang josephine dhen after tat go imm go ask.., Samuel n Kelvin werk for 1 month how much.., cos heard tat is 1k++ hahha but it looks veri slacking.., dhen after tat going to town.. there find stuff.., but nt buying.., siann.., 2 week hor i can spend about 180buck loh.., realli niid to save le.., too much le.., later ii no money go out.., i will siao loh.., Saturday, May 05, 2007
today hahha go rink asusualactually wanna go to town 1st dhen in the end go hazel hse 1st hahha dhen go to rink.., dhen in rink hor akira la.., say mi.., hhaha nvm..,dhen after tatplay till 7 liddat.., hor dhen suddenly runrunrun cos ppl throw ice mah.., dhen guess wat happen?? I FELL DOWN !! ouch ouch soo pain.., now my butt veri pain albow too.., hais.., haha thx AKIRA k0rkor for so caring nn come out ask mi ok mah hahha so gd.., nice k0rkor.., dhen after tat nid to rush home loh.., saw a nice ppl.., actually wanna get number de but scare.., reach home dhen tok about ahlong.., stuff.., hahha to day was like nth to write le loh.., zambat hahha pain larh.., my ass ouch.., hahha but veri farni is tat runrunrun till mia.., hahha nn hor just finishing watching devil beside you so touching hahha cry siia.., ahmeng larh.., pangseh.., xiaorui hai mi cry.., hahha but nice ending.., next show is My schoolmate, the barbarian hahha watch dha 1st part half way le.., k la let mii continue..,1st buaibuai.., tmr dhen blog.., today hahha go rink asusual actually wanna go to town 1st dhen in the end go hazel hse 1st hahha dhen go to rink.., dhen in rink hor akira la.., say mi.., hhaha nvm..,dhen after tatplay till 7 liddat.., hor dhen suddenly runrunrun cos ppl throw ice mah.., dhen guess wat happen?? I FELL DOWN !! ouch ouch soo pain.., now my butt veri pain albow too.., hais.., haha thx AKIRA k0rkor for so caring nn come out ask mi ok mah hahha so gd.., nice k0rkor.., dhen after tat nid to rush home loh.., saw a nice ppl.., actually wanna get number de but scare.., reach home dhen tok about ahlong.., stuff.., hahha to day was like nth to write le loh.., zambat hahha pain larh.., my ass ouch.., hahha but veri farni is tat runrunrun till mia.., hahha nn hor just finishing watching devil beside you so touching hahha cry siia.., ahmeng larh.., pangseh.., xiaorui hai mi cry.., hahha but nice ending.., next show is My schoolmate, the barbarian hahha watch dha 1st part half way le.., k la let mii continue..,1st buaibuai.., tmr dhen blog.., |