
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
today kinda sad..dunch ask mi y n i wont willing to post on blog.. ni pao qi le wo.. tell my stuff to ppl n WE even PROMiiSE EACH OTHER NOT TO TELL PPL de IneverTELLbutYOUtell.. ANDnowIhateYOUsoMUCH MYheartNOlongerBELONGStoYOUanymore ANDiWILLfollowWHATmyMINDisTHINKING IhateYOU today in sk0ol after recess was self-study den all of us were toking smsing chatting... after 1hrs..finish...we go for dnt den mrlim ask mi about my project.. den i say... this n tat den he dun understand wat i toking after tat he ask mi go ask again.. den i take picture bring upstair let him see.. i bring up le.. den ppl sms mi so i look at my sms 1st b4 i find tcher.. after tat i go find t-cher den he say not enough.. still need to take the sitn reach put at the floor.. den i ask lixin join mi n help mi take photo to0.. when inside the P.E room lixin n mi while taking photo suddenly the light flase den we 2 look at each other.. like omg! wtf.. hahha after tat we take finish photo le go back to dnt studio,, n otw lixin ask mi hhaha just now the light.. hhaha i den i say dunno kk hahha after tat dnt finish le ENGLISH lesson.. hais. sian arh.. mrs liu yangyong so bored.. den write.. homewerk.. after awhile i sleep.. till sk0ol bell rang the last bell is at1.30pm hhaha finish sk0ol liao.. i go eat at canteEn after tat lixin linghui huimei n mi take cab to clementi sport hall hahha at there.. saw alot of ***AI *E hhhha tmr werking at bt panjang plaza..5 to 7pm.. dunch tell you wat shop hhahhha take care urself.. byebye I HATE YOU. HEARD TAT?? Sunday, January 28, 2007
today confirm going to ELISE shop again..n going to buy a adidas bag.. small de.. going to watch movie.. ghost rider.. blog again toniite.. I MISSIN' YOU BADLY.. MY PRIINCESS MY FAMIILY MY PRECIIOUS ONE MY ADOREBLE JIEJIE,MEIMEI I MISS.... MI NI SHA GUA ah son BAO BEI BETH MUMMY... xiaoHEI daddy.. xiaoBOY didi TERRY k0rkor DAnIel k0rkor ALEnA jiejie Saturday, January 27, 2007
halow today morning went to sk0ol for prefect thingy... den after tat go home..wait for mummy come home,,den go out cos andi moving hse.. from my hse to tpy.. den after tat with yifang n hazel go to bugis.. den go alice shop.. i going buy toot erzi home s0on.. hahha
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
today ..nth much starting of the day doing nth.. bath go meet hui.. den go sk0ol den at sk0ol i faster go do duties.. c0s scare adam(D.M) caught mi.. den go to back dutie loh hahha.. den after tat i saw no ppl is there even hidayah, atika, rahman to0 omg! den i nv take the late board.. hahha den after tat hidayah cum find mi at back gate den yay she is wif the board hahha.. den after tat finish wif 3 ppl le den we walk back to to bball court.. find mr goh.. (O.M) den hidayah go take bag.. i shout MDM leow~ i nid to gib you letter hhaha.. den gib her le i sit back to my class.. den after tat go find mr fong take choir file.. hahha soo many thingy.. after tat just jump to after sk0oll hahha.. after sk0ol we go take bus wif bball gerl to clementi sports hall den after tat today vs clementi town sec den hahha they at their place.. CLEMENTI sports hall hahha kana kok! hahha as in we win them by alot siia... YISS 80 N CTS 27.. omg hahha suay...den after match.. mi, hazel n linghui go find.. yifang cos she cutting hair.. hahha den after tat go home le loh hahha.. den xiaoBOY told mi tat he kana ppl pour water.. den the ppl still tiao mi den he cor ppl cum down tio him hahha... maybe going down find him n help him.. if possible.. keke.. i shALL END HERE! take care urself miss you alot xiaoBOY SHA GUA aiai TerRy k0rkor DaniEl baobEi k0rkor siHUI mummY n LOTSA PPL OUT THERE.. Tuesday, January 23, 2007
today hai...siansick till siao arh.. SICK:FEVER,, COUGH,, HEADACHE,, RUNNING NOSE.. hais.. mo0d?? soso loh hahha question for the day 1:chat wif anione on phone just now??? yi fang 2: sms anione today??yup alot hazel,, lixin,, weiyi 3: call anione??mummy onli 4:wat you doing now??blogging 5:bath le mah???nop..stink.. 6:do homewerk le mah??no homewerk cos nv go sk0ol 7:eaten le mah??yup 8:update your friendster le mah?? yup photo.. 2 extra photo which i edit today.. 9:missing anione now??yup 3 of them.. n i wont tell sori.. 10:whos name start with D?DANIEL k0rkor 11:wat ish the second msg in your inbox??Don wan i veri tired fr0m Hazel 12:who is the last person who chat wib you?AJAY k0rkor.. 13:WAt brand Bag you currently using??ZINC 14:Wat iish the last msg you sent??Mag.. U at home? 15:when did you LAst watch movie??death note2 dunchno when le.. 16:when did you last went to orchard?last we3k maybe.. 17:when did you last keep a god sibling??2 days back.. a didi xiaoBOY 18:whos name start wif T? TERRY 19:whos name end wib S? ELLIS 20:5 ppl who you wan them to do this short Questi0n? ..*DANIeL*..firstly .*ruiXIang*.secondly ...*alFreDa*...thirdly ..*euGene*..fourthly .*j0ys*.fifthly hhaha shall end here.. Sunday, January 07, 2007
![]() today siian loh... went to sengkang meet friends.. den after tat go take bus to wo0dland..den to mrt to bt panjang hahha... den after tat go home loh sms a few ppl... reply mi.. cant cannot sowie wth... sad den no ppl jio mi go out.. baddi daniel nick kelvin mayeb going watch movie.. den i maybe going to jec find hazel.. hai.. left her onli sia.. no ppl wan mii ler.. FUrB3e fUrbeE hai.. can i cry?? i f3el like crying cos she/he dunch wan mii le.. i begin to love you more n more..! my heart hurt liike hell c0s no ppl wan to be wif mi... born to be ugly... born to be bullied born to be abuse born to cry.. Saturday, January 06, 2007
QUIZ REQUESTED BY daniEl k0rkorQ : What is your status? A : SinglE Q : What were you doing 15 minutes ago? A : blogging.. Q : What are your fave sports? A : iceskate..rollar blading Q : Do you cry most of the time you have problems? A : yup..when sad angry..failed something.. Q : Did you have a fight with sumone today? A : nope er.. yes.. almost.. Q : What are your fave subjects? A : englIsh ChinESe aRt Q : Who cheers u up da most in your life? A : daniel, hazel, joys, serene, suki, terry, kelvin ,nick n actually more.. Q : Do u like to chat? A : yes..ofc0s larh.. Q : Last chat with? A : 3 something.. Q : Do you like to laugh? A :yup most of the time if i were to be happy... Q : Last testi from? What's the testiabout? A : STUDENT LEADDER !! hahas !! yeah yeah ! DRINKK LORTS OFB WATTER !! FERHGIVE DAHH sEC1s` & FORGET WART DHEY HAD DONE TU US !! XDD . HAHA . BUT OVERALL`I HADD LORTS OFB FUN !! TEEHEES[; I'M TIREDD OFB HEARIN WART CHEWCHEWX= HADD SAY !! LOL ` BUHBBYES~ TTAKKECARE`LORTS . SLGOGOG`x= Q : Last message from? What's about? A : josephine:hey.. i cant cor back le.. my dad cum back liao.. U going to watch movie wid them?? Q : Last food? A : cogee.. Q : Do you have an exam? A : nope.. for now.. Q : Do you think ppl who like to study a lot are nerds? A : nop there r alot ppl who like to study who r also not nerds.. Q : What's your opinion about long distance relationships? A : it will be a happy things.. n good for each party.. Q : About love at the first sight? A : its normal bah.. Q : Did you ever love sumone but he/she didnt like you? A : yeah.. so sad.. Q : Have you ever dumped sumone? A : yup.. hhhaha sh... dunch tell ppl wor.. Q : Have you ever been in arelationship with sumone u didn't love? A : nop.. Q : Have you ever hurt sumone who loved u so much? A : YUp i'm sorri Q : Do you like your school? A : nop.. but other den precious memoriies. Q : Do you have sumthing you must do right now? A : yes , woo someone.. who i love.. 5 ppl t0 do : =haZel =Terry =Joys =Huiwen =suKii hais finally can blog le the past 2 week have been thinking y cant blog n now finally know cos my other com kana virus..fuck siia..hahha nvm today when to rink n go in as viewer.. so pay $3.20 onli.. den i was like walk in to cant3en there sitsit wif alfreda xiaoxiao n the rest after tat sit at other place den go to other side de cant3en hahha den sit there wif hazel n stella c0s toking xin shi hhaha SHANG XIN DER SHI BEI SHANG AI HEN TONG KU! den cry fer alot of xin fan de things.. k0rkor all dunch wan mi le.. aiai dun wan mi le. buddies also dunch wan mi le... but nvm i will stay verii weak der.. daniel i promiise you I WILL STAY STRONG DE.. not going to riink fer 2 we3k cos closing... kk byebye I.LOVE.FURBEE SAYE SUKE FURBEE MUACKIIE |