
![]() archives
![]() 16years old(: tourism school babyjeff ♥ babyjayy ORANGE IS LOVES. I don't agree spammer in my blog(: words of loves.
start-ed on 28 june
#01-00;the feeling went worst! #01-01;deeply in love #01-02;got hurt. #01-03;addict-ed to you #01-04;kind of miss you. #01-05;stand up for my courage(: #01-06;let fate meet us. #01-07;change over story. #01-08;It stuck. #01-09; #01-10; wishlist
Gucci bag 1,100k FATT-er you will know that ILoveYou tongue pierce tagboard
Spammer (=
Loves♥; Mr.JayJay Weiyi; hazelteoh; lixin; linghui; yifang alfreda; ngyujun; nicole joyce; kailing serene; xiuwen; yingzi Hogan Cassey the exit
Love-dd NewBlogLink Alfreda ONO-BAOBEIMEIMEI ♥♥♥ ng yujun ONO-BaoBeiNYJ ♥♥♥ Nicole ONO-HASbandyy ♥♥♥ lim weiyi ONO-NUER ♥♥♥ Hazel as Bestfriends Joyce as dumbdumb(: MaggiE as gonggong cousin Serene as niangniang Jasmine as pretty cousin Huiwen as sister Alvin as gorgor Hogan as Twins; suntann buddy Kellie as Bestiees Cassandra as that piercing-madd Izat as fashion-star AsraffDARL Desiree Ikhtiar Jamie Jaslin MISSYWENDYY rickyXBD Syqin Samantha Sarah Winnie Yuting Akira Alexis Amanda Angel Anton Candis celestene Debbie Daniel Eileen felix FeliciaChin Huiwen huiwen Huimei Joewe Joys Josephine Kelvin Kelvin Lixin May Raymond Terry Taypinghui Xiuhui Yunwen YujinG credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Sunday, November 26, 2006
today in the morning when to meet meiyanat bt batok c0s she wanna dye hair but when reach there le she tell mi dunch wanna dye hair le hahha den after tat we go take taxi to xiaoxiao hse c0s about meiyan stuff hahha den after tat we reach the gate we just enter den the guard also nv kaobei wtf lousy guard hse hahhaa den after tat go find xiaoxiao den toktoktok den at 3 we go to bugis ppl(jeffrey hazel meiyan xiaoxiao bingbing baoliande aaron(ghey)) den after tat we reach dere le we go find xiuhui c0s wanna gib her female de bread hhaaa(cotex)hhahawahahha after tat meet her le we go meet shawn steven yulin daniel den after tat buay gum so we walk into 3 group hha den in the end left mi daniel hazel yulin haha so i say go find xiaoxiao they all den c how loh keke after awhile yulin go back find shawn all den we join xiaoxiao them... till the bugis junction den we say wanna go to the merina south there eat steam boat... den akira cum meet us ... so all ppl (akira MI yulin hazel xiaoxiao daniel meiyan baoliande aaron(ghey) go there liao when at there while waiting for bus a auntie cum say wanna eat these steam boat from these place den i take the flyer n yulin we fold into plane hahha den go to the back of the busstop we shoot off den it fly hhaa to the road diao...hhaha den we take small bus to the place which auntie offer n tell tat 10 dollar each ppl free drink hhaha so gd den eat eat eat most of the ppl dun wanna care aaron hhaa den after tat we was about to eat finish yulin hazel daniel mi bingbing go to find toilet hahha den we erhem..hahha :X den after tat bing bing dunno run where make daniel n mi so worry c0s boy should take care of him den after tat we were searching like siao den when we go back there we saw him hhaha heng arh... den after tat we eat finish liao we go take free bus back to the merina mrt station den daniel n i actually den stunn den no ppl take foto wasted sia but was veri fun hahha thx guys so fun today the memories ish going to my history hhaha... k loh den after tat all go hm liao which now i'm at hm le hahha den doing blogging chating wif friends missing ppl byebye... Monday, November 20, 2006
erm nth loh mag went hm le so sian den still mapling blogging nv go out also but get back hp le den aiya dunch no wat to say loh haha wed going to skate yay finally sat to0 can go skate so happi sia iloveyou imissyou iheartyou k loh logging off le c0s nthing to blog marh.. byebye ...playing maple... IN THE LAST 24 HOURS.... cry: NO. i mean for wat?! worn jeans: no 3/4 onli met someone: yes maggie n aaron done laundry: nO went hungry: YES. talked on phone: yes with hazel said i love you: yeah to k0rkor de maple monkey hahaa DO YOU BELIEVE IN...yourself: sumtiimes... your friends: quite alot nnd i can say most best derh is hazel terry joys xiuhui alfreda n someone tooth fairy: omg so lame put the tooth under the pillow.. hhaaa destiny/fate: yupx UFO: nO and of cos not..FRIENDS AND LIFE.. do you ever wished you had another name: yarh.. Do you like anyone: YES.. dunch wish to tell anyone bleah which of your friends acts most like you: erm.. i dunch knw.. when you cried the most who was there: jjoys,jeffrey,terry,xiaoxiao n alot more haha.. what's the best feeling in the world: being lurve.. what's the worst feeling in the world: being left out n alone.. what time is it now: 11.15AM. WHICH IS BETTERchocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE. coke or pepsi: coke. love or lust: loveMac or KFC: MAC. single or group dates: group... Adidas or Nike: NIKE.. Lipton tea or Nestea: LIPTON! cappucino or coffee: cappucino... Do You..SMoke: LAST TIME now no more . curse: YES,seldom le.. hahas.. take a shower: YES, of course have a crush: YES. n0w bahx. think you've been in love: erm can say so bah haha like school: nopes..SK0oL SUX want to get married:not sure.. believe in yourself: NO. think you're a health freak:ii think so.. last 24 hr nv do any think drank alchohol: nahx gone to the mall: YES bt panjang plaza been on stage: NO. eaten sushi: nahx. been dumped: NO. gone skating: nahx! dyed your hair: YES!![[fringe]] red colour drop to dark orange Have You Ever...played a stripping game: NO!!! changed who you were to fit in: dunch kn0w hoping to get married: NO ?! 5 FRIENDS t0 do: -jjoys -hazel -terry -alfreda -sukii omg mag arh... y didnt you buy 4d omgomg!! ur parent too my parent to0 haiss... btw luck ish here... hahhaa Saturday, November 18, 2006
i have been grounded,no more lyfe, no more skating, no more going out, no more hp, no m0re chatting on phone, no more mood, no m0re freedom, no more going to rink, no more going to orchard, no more going to werk, no more going to meet friends, no more looking at my dear for one week, n alot more man.. oh my god!! fuckin' god my father confiscate my hp again omg!! i just cum hm late onli loh fuck siia so idiot sia omg going to be mad again!! cant contact anione!! Friday, November 10, 2006
1. How old do you wish you are?- 18 bahx..2. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?- Er..r... whack the vending machine?& be quieT angrY too. 3. Do you count yourself kind?-maybe sometime 4. if you could be fluent in any other languages , what language would it be?-hokkien, english,vulgarity 5.Do you know your neighbours?-yes buT not verY cLosE 6. do you follow your horoscope?- dunch no 7.would you move for the person you loved?-yup if onli i'm despo for tat ppl.. 8.Do you believe that opposites attracts?- Yes 9.Favourite channel?- Channel 8 aNd channel U^^ 10. Favourite place to go on weekends?- fuJi iCe-paLace< 12. Do you paint your nails?- eee hate it!!! 13. Do you trust ppl easily?-yup for some onli... 14. what are your phobias?- scare ppl hate mi! like YOU 15.Do you keep a handwritten journal?- last time onli.. 16.where would u rather be right now?- Overseas shopping..maybe alone 17.Who makes u feel warm n fuzzy?- jjoys,xiuhui,xiaoxiao & other ppL 18.Heavy or light sleeper?- LighT 19. Are you paranoid??- most of the time *c0s of YOU 20. Are you impatient?-NO i wont do be tat kind.. 21. What's eur favourite pick up line?- wat eva loh 22. What`s your main ring tone on your mobile?- dunch no. 23. What were you doing at midnight last night?- Online-ing aNd chatting on phone 24. what did the last text message on your cell phone sae?- n0thing. 25. Most recent movie you watched?- dunch n0 26. Name 3 things you have on you at all times- torto-money-handphone 27. What colour are your bed sheets?- bLue for now 28. What is your fav part of a chicken?- Wings ? 29. ii cant wait till???-k0rkoR toks to mi !! omg! 30. How tall are you barefooted?- 168cm .. so sh0rt lorx=( 31. Do you own a gun?- No larh..wait til one day I become Police then maybe wil hav lorh..xD 32. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?- Warm milo or coffee/ sometime cocacola.. 33. Where do you think you will be in ten years?- staying at home doing blogging...hahah lame shit 34. Last thing you ate?- noodles.xD 35. Does some one have a crush on you?- yup the ppl told mi i WAs LikE S0 Embarassing omg! 36. What's your fav candy?- al0t to name(candy from *candy empire) =x 37. If you had 3 wishes , what wud they be?-K0rkoR can tok to mi again!!! - STAY HAPPY with RINK family & - can make most of the ppl be happi.. xP 38. six random people to do this.- xiiuhuii-,-jjoys-,-alfreda-,-hazel-,-terry-,-sukii today morning at 9am i left my home c0s nid to go meet xiuhui hazel aaron xiaoxiao so i go to cck there meet them when reach hazel n aaron was there liao so we walk around den xiuhui call mi say meet at control room outside... so we go loh den waitwaitwait suddenly *guess wat?? we saw suki haha with her mum...after tat meet liao at around 12 we go to interchange take bus number 190 to city hall there den in bus talk lor veri long sia..reach liao den we walk to penisular plaza thee c ice hockey jersey.. den at 1st to0 early but den at 2 smt open liao walkwalkwalk den go off le l0r ..kk say go hm de... c0s veri dulan sia.. when go hm we take mrt den we saw two boy ..den after tat aaron go take xiuhui hand put at her own nene den it repeat 2 times den after tat at cck we drop off otw walking down to lrt there when at the link bridge one of the boy say... boy:aboy(to mi) you use ur hand go touch her cheebye knbccb sia i fucking dulan den i say knn lar... den after tat in lrt we call ppl sms ppl tok loud loud saying about them... when reach phoenix we point them fuck! when the d0or cl0se they fucking dulan haha...den nuting liao lor... Thursday, November 09, 2006
hal0w just wanna sayI'M BACK IN SINGAPORE Friday, November 03, 2006
1.Full name: JEFFREY NG YI JIE2.Name backwards: EIJ IY GN YERFFEJ 3.Meaning of name: DUNCH NO! 4.Nickname: tootboi 5.Screen name:tootboi, tootprince . llallallas~ 6.D.O.B: 01 nov 1991 7.Place of birth: indonesia??. 8.Nationality: SINGAPOREAN 9.Current location: bt panjang segar 10.Star sign: scorpio 11.Religion: Tfreethinker. 12.Height: 169cm, I'M SHORT. 13.Weight: ACCEPTABLE.53kg 14.Shoe size: 7 15.Hair colour: BLACK(natural)GOLD(just dye) 16.Eye colour: dark brown 17.Who do you look like: FATHER 18.Innie or outtie: Both 19.Lefty or righty: righty 20.Gay, straight or others: DUNCH NO 21.Best friends:To0 many!!! omg 22.Best friends you trust most:Hazel/aar0n/someone who i dunch wanna tell you guyz bleah! 23.Favouite pals: to0 much!. 24.Best friends of opposite side: to0 much!. 25.Best buddies: to0o0 manii 26.Boyfriend or girlfriens: BOTH 27.Crush:DUNCH WANNA SAY ?! LOLS! 28.Parents: BOTH de best!(: 29.Worst enemy:dunn0 30.Favourite online guy: can i dun say??! 31.Favourite online girl: Joys (: 32.Craziest friend:j0ys, hazel, xiuhui, aaron, weiyi, josephanie, xiaoxiao, meimei, ellis n many m0re 33.Advise friend: hazel, joys, aaron 34.Loudest friend:al0t loh 35.Person you cry with: JOYS? 36.Any sisters: YES! SANDRA NG XIN HUI//nice gurl,scary?! 37.Any brothers: NO! but wish to have one haha 38.Any disease: NO! 39.Pager:can dunch ask stupid qustion! 40.Personal phone line: YES(: 41.Phone: MY OWN6230 xD 42.Lave lamp: nop! 43.Pool or hot tub: in my hse or wad?LOL i stay in hdb wat you think? 44.A car:wait till i'm18 bah hahah 45.Your pesonality:crazy?! bastard!? idiotic nahs. 46.Driving: cant drive loh can can daytona 47.Room: yay own de 48.What missing: my brothership!. 49.School:1st president sk0ol! yus0f ishak secondary sch0ol. 50.Bed: double deck. i sleep at the top 51.Relationship with parents: NORMAL? 52.Believe in yourself: NO! 53.Believe in first sight of love: DUNNNO~ 54.Good listener: YES? 55.Get along well with parents:sometime bah. 56.Save e-mail covers: ermerm.. wtf is tat.. 57.Pray: YEAH. 58.Believe in recarnation: maybe maybe not 59.Make fun of people: SUMTIMES. 60.Like to talk on the phone: OFCOS 100% YES! almost everyday 61.Want to get married: 7YRS LTR if can 62.Like to drive: yup? 63.Motion sickness: not sure 64.Eat stem of brocoli:depend on m0od 65.Eat chicken with fork: YES! but sometime wif hand 66.Dream in colours: no? yes? dunno~ 67.Type with your finger on your home roles: I DUN UNDERSTAND. 68.Sleep with stuff animals: NO 69.Next to you: NO ONE. 70.On the walls of your room: NONE. 71.On your mouse pad:car picture but wish to hav mickey mouse. 72.Dream car:jauguar?lol 73.Dream date:dunnno~romantic 74.Dream honeymoon spot:far place away from singapore 75.Dream husband or wife: arh~~~~ dunch wanna tell you all haha 76.Bedtime: not fix.. haha 77.Under your bed: another bed wahahhaa. 78.Single most important question:burfday wishes can be true?! 79.Bad time of the day: WOKE UP miss SOMEONE 80.Your worst fear:WHEN SOMEONE ISH GONE xD 81.The weather is: dark nth can be seen . 82.Time: 11.29PM 83.Date: 03 NOVEMBER 2006 84.Best trick you did on someone:hazel 85.Hardest thing about growing up: study?! 86.Funniest experience:went in to the gurl toilet 87.Scariest experience: when my com played the S.H.E song on its own omg! gross!! 88.Silliet thing you have ever said:CUT MY HAND! 89.Most desperate and funniest thing I have done to get the opposite sex:buy her a earing on valentine day primary 5 haha n she promise to stead wif mi hahaha 90.Scariest thing while you are with your friends: DUNNO~ 91.Worst Feeling: SOMEONE IS GONE//??? which i wan he/she back! 92.Best feeling in the world: LAUGH LIKE MAD wif joys(fake laopo). 93.Theme song:dunno?lmao~~~~ 6 people to do this quiz: `joys `hazel `terry `DANIEL `xiuhui `aaron THIS QUIZ IS LAME. Thursday, November 02, 2006
today ish my burfday hai so bored but xiuhui hazel aaron josephanie huiwen go out with mi so hapi n i t0ok some picture! haha .. cute hair style.. tml den blogging!
omg!! today ish MY BURFDAY!!! cant believe rite yup i felt t0o c0s it was just like last w3ek which i just having my burfday bash haha... thx f0r all the ppl wh0 hav taken care of mi in my family in the rink in the sk0ol thx al0t guyz you guyz must take care... blog later bah....
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
today went to skate den i was like so boring... haha den joys n xiuhui cum but nv skate keke den after skate dunno y jacks0n stomach ache.. painpain..take care w0r jackson |